This holiday season I’m doing something I haven’t done in years. IE not cramming in last second deadlines. Not working. Not overloading the schedule or remaining glued to technology (buh-bye Facebook and see ya later New York Times. Mama needs a break from all your nasty headlines). Instead, I’m looking forward to having only one thing on my to-do list: Live in a happy little unplugged bubble. Life is too short. The world is too crazy. And I am just too dang tired to do anything else. I hope you’ll forgive me if things go a little silent around Apartment 34 until 2017 shows up.
But I’m so excited about all the ways I plan to fill my hours over the break. Read (I’m determined to start and finish this book. And the actual book, not just a kindle version). Sleep. Go for walks. Watch movies that are actually in a theater. Maybe see some theater! Catch up with people, like in person, not on Facebook. But one of the things I’m really looking forward to doing is cooking. Lots and lots of cooking. It does more than just feed your body, I find cooking feels the soul too.
Here’s a round-up of the winter recipes I’m planning to try over the break.
SOUPS…because they’re all I seem to want to eat right now
White Bean and Fennel Soup via Tending the Table
Creamy Vegetarian Christmas Stew with Red Wine & Mushrooms via Made By Mary
Spicy Soba & Miso Soup by Local Milk
ONE POT MEALS…cuz I hate doing dishes.
Coq Au Vin by Half Baked Harvest
Garlic Butter Mushroom Risotto by Pinch of Yum
SNACKIES…cuz I need to find something healthy to feed my kid
Roasted Parsnip Fries by Faring Well
Oven Baked Sweet Potato Chips by tuulia
COCKTAILS…because 2016 happened and 2017 is about to.
I’m just gonna keeping drinking my Oatmeal Cookie cocktail right up until the NYE countdown.
SWEET TREATS…because resolutions haven’t kicked in yet.
Spiced white wine poached pears enveloped in a rustic ginger bread by broma bakery
Vegan Coffee & Walnut Loaf via Milking Almonds
And if you have any favorite winter recipes, please add a link to the comments below. I may not leave my kitchen for a solid week! It is my dream kitchen after all. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy a happy, healthy and joy filled holiday surrounded by friends and family. And let’s all give 2016 a nice kick in the ass out the door, shall we??
What do you think?