One of my key survival tactics is the weekend getaway. When life becomes too busy and there’s no real vacation on the horizon you can in fact turn 48 hours into a total escape. It’s the perfect way to force yourself to unplug from life’s daily stresses.

And I’m the first to admit that we’re extremely lucky to have amazing getaway destinations at a stone’s throw. Our latest weekend jaunt took us 90-minutes north up the 101 to my new most-favoite spot ever: Dillon Beach.

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I could sit and stare at that sunset everyday.


There are a few keys to a successful weekend escape. When we hit the road, I make sure to do the following five things to ensure we take full advantage of our 48-hours away.

1. Meal plan in advance. If you figure out your menu before you go, you can whip up delicious meals and never have to get out of your PJs {if you don’t want to!}. There’s nothing worse than wanting to make a delicious dinnner and realizing you missing cumin. That’s the bonus of road trips – you can just haul it all with you. The hassle is definitely worth it.

2. Pack a good playlist. There’s nothing more relaxing than sitting back with a good book {or let’s be real, a huge stack o’ magazines}, a good glass of wine and good tunes at 1pm on a Saturday afternoon…with no end in sight.

3. Put away the tech. This one’s a bit of an obvious tip but it really is critical to put down the phone, say to no to Twitter and even ignore Instagram for a few days. Sure, I’ll carry my phone with me for a beach walk but I’ll wait to post the pics until we’re on our way back home.

4. Go exploring. Rather than read every Yelp review known to man beforehand, hit the road without preconceived ideas. By asking locals or just stumbling upon a cute coffee shop, bakery or antique store you’ll never know what hidden treasure you’ll find. And that’s half the fun!

5. Prepare to pamper yourself. Whether it’s doing a little at-home facial, drawing a bubble bath or doing a little yoga session, making some time to take care of yourself makes the weekend feel extra special.

So even when there’s no major vacation in sight, thank goodness there’s still a good way to destress. Where do you like to escape? If you need more ideas be sure to check out the rest of our Getaways!

What do you think?

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  1. Nice pics and amazing beach! I live in Argentina in Mar del Plata, we have an incredible beaches…I invite you to stop by my new blog. from now will be in Spanish and English so that more can read it. Have a nice week!

  2. Looks wonderful… what a fun place to visit…again and again…