What’s better than an epic dinner party?? Getting to relive it! We’re having way too much fun sharing all the yummy Andiamo SF dinner party details with you. It truly was a night we wish we could experience every week! Getting to throw the most awesome dinner, in the coolest space, with the best food for some of our closest friends?? Done and done. We consider ourselves very lucky.

If you missed it, last week we broke down the party details dishing {pun intended!} on everything from the venue to our favorite bits of party decor. But today is especially delicious because we’re revealing the recipe for the best salad you’ve ever tasted! Seriously, we’re talking When Harry Met Sally orgasm scene good. To top it off, our favorite bar Trick Dog {one of SF’s HOTTEST spots!} crafted a bespoke cocktail, the “Flirting with Travel” punch, just for the evening’s festivities. You don’t have to thank us!!


If you are Bay-Area based and have yet to eat at Central Kitchen in San Francisco’s Mission neighborhood, put it on your to-do list for this weekend right now! We’ll even save ya’ a parking spot. It’s one of our favorite places in the city- literally a couple of blocks away from the office and we are indulging ourselves there all too often. So we were more then ecstatic to find out Central Kitchen had an all new venue, The Upstairs, where we could throw our party. We knew dinner was going to be good- we just didn’t realize how good.

Chef Ryan Pollnow blew our menu out of the water- each dish was the definition of a culinary masterpiece, but the Spring Vegetables with Rye Crumbles + Goat’s Milk Curds and Whey Salad was our absolute faaaaaaave. Amazingly, we managed to wrestle the recipe for this incredible dish out of their hands, but let’s just say it produced a serious “whoa” when we opened the email. It’s only a mere three pages…of sheer intimidation! Eek. We do have it tucked safely away in our recipe arsenal, but will likely have to dumb it down whenever we take our first stab because really, we can’t all be as good as the pros!

That said, if you’re a home-cooking champ {we know you’re out there!} and you want to see what recipes from top restaurants really look like, click here – you can download the details from Rue Magazine!


Trick Dog’s punch recipe on the other hand, is one that we can handle. After all, we have a little more experience downing cocktails at our in-home bar than we do cooking gourmet meals. And as you may have spied here, punch is kind of our new thing. And our obsession all started with this recipe! Now you really have no excuse – it’s time you give a summer punch a try! We promise, you’ll be happy you did. It’s all in the spirit of adventure after all. — Bianca


Flirting With Travel Punch Recipe

1 Cognac {we used H by Hine VSOP!}
1 Aged Rum
1/2 apricot liqueur
1/2 Akavit
3 black tea
1 peach nectar
3/4 lime juice
1/4 simple syrup

Pour all ingredients into large bowl and stir. Begin diluting ingredients by adding ice 45 minutes before serving. Enjoy!


original recipe for apartment 34 created by Trick Dog // original photography for apartment 34 by Katie Newburn

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