Mondays are never easy to face, but it’s always better when you have a inspiring space to work. Now that we’re getting settled, I’m turning my sights on my home office. I guess I should call it my home office to-be since the space is completely empty currently. I’m typing this sentence from my couch on my teeny tiny laptop. And this just cannot go on any longer!
I’m definitely suffering from home office envy.
There are a few key things I’m coveting for my new work space. I’ve got a major crush on trestle desks at the moment. Inspired by architects drafting tables, they’re utilitarian but chic at the same time. Keeping a desk drawer free also forces you to keep clutter to minimum. Because no one really needs staplers or paperclips anymore!
I’m also loving the look of warm woods mixed with monochromatic accents. It feels timeless. There’s been a bit of an acrylic, gold and white glut in home offices of late – bouquet of peonies included of course. I’m in the mood to take more understated approach with classic pieces that I’ll love right now, five years from now and even twenty years from now.
I’ve long been a fan of picture rail shelves. They offer a unique way to create a moodboard of sorts. You can mix art, magazine tears and your favorite objet. I’d just have to keep myself from rearranging on a daily basis. I’m not sure that’d be great for my productivity.
Finally, you can add a shot of individual personality to your work space with your office chair selection. I prefer a-typical office chairs. Vintage pieces, old dining chairs, a funky side chair. This is where I really want to spend time treasure hunting. You just want to ensure that you select a chair that is high enough to give you proper posture and comfortable enough for you to sit for long periods at a time. Trust me, I made the mistake of prioritizing aesthetics over proper alignment in the past and paid the price.
Now that I’ve got a vision for my new office, I’m off to pull this space together! If you have any favorite sources for great office pieces please send them my way. Of course I’ll be sharing what I find in my search.
Find reams and reams of home office inspiration right here.
images 1 waiting on martha / 2 dust jacket in the attic / 3 my domaine / 4 lark & linen / 5 tumblr /6 stil inspiration /
Only one picture here has an ergonomic chair. Design chairs are fine for people who aren’t sitting in them all day, working.
Also, I would go for the sit-stand desk from Ikea. They have one that cranks (I prefer manual versions to electric anything). I’m waiting for them to come out with a smaller one that will fit in my tiny space.
I don’t think drawers create clutter. Clutter happens from a lack of a place to put the stuff you need later. Clutter is the stuff sitting out and waiting to be called upon. So drawers reduce clutter.
Have you found any cool looking ergonomic chairs? I keep searching but cannot find one that I like the look of!
As a person that works from home for a very large global company, I spend a lot of time in my office daily. (At least 9 hours per day) It is important to have focal points that are across a room, out a window, something where your eyes can focus far away. This will avoid your eyes getting tired and only focusing on the close-up work at hand. Keep your computer screen at a minimum of 18-24 inches away from you. Sit up straight. Stop, periodically get up, walk a ‘lap’ or two around your home, apartment or designated work space. Take a few deep breaths in and out slowly. Never have an office in our Bedroom. Have a small paperweight or other object that when you walk in to your ‘office’ you place it on the left (or right) side of your desk as a mental indication of ‘in the office.’ At the end of your work day, move that object to the other side of your desk or computer as a mental indicator(trigger) that you are ‘out’ of the office. You can still use your desk and computer to ck Social sites etc. but, because you have that object (mental trigger) set to out of the office, you can relax and not look at work issues. And, in the middle of the afternoon when you feel a little slow, groggy, tired…go brush your teeth. It will wake you up and you will feel better for it. And, continue to be successful.
I love ALL of these tips Sharon. They are amazing!!
Just to let you know, the gorgeous desk in the second to last image is from Plyroom (