I used to blog about fashion on this site a lot. I even used to post pictures of myself from time to time. But I’ve fallen victim to my natural state – that of a late 30’s mom with a toddler / entrepreneur working from home / live in California where no one gets dressed up uniform: aka lulu lemon. While I know athleisure is like, a thing now, I’ve always felt a little “still in my pjs” in a sweatshirt. But the following upscaled sweatshirt ideas are inspiring me to transform my lazy dressing into an actual outfit! PS these are all from Zara so they are crazy affordable (bonus).

next level sweatshirts on apartment 34

Idea number one: oversized sweatshirt, wide-leg trousers and heels. Not three things you might think to combine when browsing your own closet and yet, I love it. Obviously, this is a look that cannot be worn with bedhead. That’s a little too literal. When you mix the super casual with the dressy you have to keep the rest of your look nice and tight.

next level sweatshirts on apartment 34

A bit of a slimmer and cropped sweatshirt looks great tucked into a pair of high-waisted jeans. I probably won’t be rocking a sky-high heel at the playground, but a cute pair of sneakers (my current faves are linked right here), would work quite nicely. The oversized hoops are a nice addition too. A good accessory always elevates a look.

next level sweatshirts on apartment 34

A hoodie tucked into a pencil skirt? I’m into it. Though I do have to convince myself to wear a skirt again.

next level sweatshirts on apartment 34

Sweatshirt fully tucked into the high waisted jean. Yes, yes and yes. I actually saw this look on a girl walking down the street in San Francisco just yesterday and thought how cute it looked.

next level sweatshirts on apartment 34

An oversized sweatshirt in a bold hue paired a checked trouser creates a cool look. I’m not as big of a fan of the addition of the accessories bag, hat or — how do you even describe these sunglasses that even Beyonce was wearing at the Grammys? Do they have a name? I don’t get them. I cannot endorse any of those add-ons. I’m officially old.

next level sweatshirts on apartment 34

While I probably wouldn’t wear these looks to an office job, I would definitely feel sassy, a bit dressed up and like I’m actually back into this whole fashion thing by simply repurposing the sweatshirt collection already in my closet.

What say you? Are you into these sweatshirts as actual fashion looks?

For more outfit ideas, CLICK HERE.

images via zara 

Having established that I can only get dressed by relying on a minimalist uniform, I have been hunting for a few easy ways to switch my look up a bit. But I’m not a massive jewelry person, you can’t wear sunglasses indoors and hats are often hit or miss. But I’m intrigued by a trend I’ve seen popping up just about everywhere right now: tying on a neckerchief! A staple of the 50’s – you know Pink Ladies style – these girls are making the look feel modern.

neckerchief trend on apartment 34

A classic Pink Lady-like tied scarf,  but the retro vibe is balanced with a modern denim bomber.

neckerchief trend on apartment 34

A timeless leather bag and belt make the classic bandana look anything but western.

neckerchief trend on apartment 34

A brightly colored silk scarf is a unique way to mix prints. The hair tucked in lis a nice touch.

neckerchief trend on apartment 34

Loving the look of this loose knot.

neckerchief trend on apartment 34

A neckerchief is the perfect way to add a pop of color to a classic look.

neckerchief trend on apartment 34

Polka dots feel cheeky, but chic.

neckerchief trend on apartment 34

It doesn’t get more Parisian than a striped shirt, a wide-leg pant and croissant! The silk scarf is just the icing on this very stylish cake.

So what say you? Would you be willing to tie on a neckerchief this season?



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April is here, Easter is around the corner and I’m actually excited to get in the kitchen and cook! All I want to eat right now are light, colorful, flavor-packed dishes. Well, this gorgeous carrot recipe certainly meets all those criteria.

spring side dish on apartment 34

I had the pleasure of meeting cookbook author and OG blogger Sarah Britton at a recent book signing event in San Francisco. Her latest book, Naturally Nourished, puts a mouth watering spin on clean eating. Ingredients like coconut oil add deep flavor while keeping things light. For this lovely little dish, young carrots are roasted to bring out their sweetness, but brightened with fresh dill and lightly toasted pistachios. It’s the perfect dish to serve a crowd at lunch, serve as a savory veggie at Easter brunch or as a delicious dinner side. It’s also just real purdy.

(recipe from Naturally Nourished by Sarah Britton)

14 young carrots
2t coconut oil
fine sea salt
2T unsalted butter
1 shallot, finely diced
1/2t Dijon mustard
1 1/2t apple cider vinegar
1T Pistachios, lightly toasted and chopped
handful fresh dill

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Scrub carrots and trim all but 1in off the tops. Rub each carrot with a little coconut oil and place on rimmed baking sheet. Season with salt and roast until carrots are tender and a bit blistered.

As the carrots roast, prep the dressing. Start by melting butter in a small skillet over medium heat. Add the shallot and swirl pan over the heat until the butter starts to brown, 5 to 7 minutes. Once browned, pour in a bowl (or jar) and mix in the mustard, vinegar and pinch of salt. Blend well.

Remove the carrots from the oven and place on a serving platter. Pour dressing over top and garnish with dill and pistachios. Serve immediately – you don’t want to let this dish cool.

For more fresh recipe ideas CLICK HERE.

You can feel it, can’t you? The burst of energy? The desire to get outside. The need to just do something. The whole spring renewal thing is legit. Hence why it really is wise to harness some of that new-found energy and put it toward…spring cleaning! It is a thing and it is a super smart thing to actually do. After being cooped up for the winter now is the time to shake off the cobwebs, both figuratively and literally. But now that I’m back to being a homeowner after many years of loft living, tackling the spring cleaning to-do list can feel rather daunting. When strapped for time, spring cleaning is hard to get started. However, I’ve found a formula that will help you get it done without feeling overwhelmed. Because there’s nothing better than the sense of accomplishment when you complete a good cleaning sesh. And neat, clean spaces have been proven to lower stress and anxiety levels! We all need that. If you use the tips below, I promise you’ll get to the aww, I just got off work on a Friday-afternoon feeling asap.

To kick off your spring cleaning regimen, map out your cleaning game plan. Dedicate 15 minutes to organizing all of your cleaning supplies and deciding which rooms you plan to tackle and the products you’ll need. Then, assign a day to tackle each of those spaces. This step will keep you from feeling completely overwhelmed when you aren’t quite sure where to start.

how to tackle spring cleaning on apartment 34 how to tackle spring cleaning on apartment 34

Then, it’s time to clear the clutter and prep for the deep clean. Bedrooms and bedroom closets are hot spots for clutter, so they’re often a good first room to be cleaned during spring cleaning. And for more than one-in-four Americans, the pantry and kitchen drawers also gather clutter. I recently tackled both my pantry and my closet and could not be happier with the result. When it comes to cleaning a pantry (or cupboards – the definition of pantry can be loosely applied), ditch anything that is expired or you haven’t touched in at least six months. You can check out my pantry organization post right here for how I pulled my pantry together.

I took a similarly tough approach to sprucing up my closet for the new season. Since I finally have my own closet, I have no excuse not to keep it organized. Why is that always so much easier said than done?? Anywho, I finally tackled the beast. Anything really worn out or looking sad? Out. Anything that doesn’t fit well? Out. Anything I haven’t worn in six months (excluding seasonal items) out! That actually opened up some space, but you’ll have to wait until next week for the rest of my closet tour and my spring wardrobe wish list.

how to tackle spring cleaning on apartment 34

Once key spaces are clutter-free, tackle the most dreaded chore on your list first. Deep cleaning the bathrooms is most definitely my least favorite cleaning activity – I like organizing the stuff – attacking the actual dirt just grosses me out. But once you conquer your most dreaded space, whatever it is, the rest of your spring cleaning chores will feel like a walk in the park!

how to tackle spring cleaning on apartment 34

To keep yourself motivated through your cleaning sessions, allow yourself to take breaks. Snacks and screens, whether be it the television, computer or smartphone, are the most popular ways to take a break during cleaning sprees. For women, in particular, snacks, checking e-mail and catching up on social media are go-to ways to break up a long cleaning session. So set the phone in the other room until you finish a task and then you can give five minutes of Insta-Stories time (are you totally addicted? yeah, me too). Creating even larger incentives for yourself, such as hosting a get-together for the finale of your favorite TV show, or taking a well-deserved staycation once you tackle everything on your list, will also keep you motivated throughout the cleaning process.

how to tackle spring cleaning on apartment 34

And you can always look for ways to make your life easier. To tackle dust I use a reusable dust cloth which is dry and non-abrasive to trap and lock dust, allergens – even pet hair away. I use them on furniture, electronics, blinds, frames, baseboards, floors and more. Pro tip, to keep guest areas low maintenance put potted plants next to the bed instead of fresh flowers so you don’t have to worry about wilted blooms and dripping pollen falling everywhere.

how to tackle spring cleaning on apartment 34

While the spring cleaning list can sometimes feel long, you can, in fact, power through it without devoting your life to the task. Simply make your list of the must-tackle projects and check ’em off one-by-one. Turn up the volume on your favorite playlist or catch up on a good Podcast. I can even get my kiddo into the cleaning act. He thinks sweeping is the cat’s pajamas. Although he really only moves dirt from one part of the floor to the other, it’s the thought that counts, right?

I’ve listed out what I would recommend tackling this spring cleaning season below:


> Dust all crown molding, baseboards, light fixtures, ceiling corners

> Wipe down all blinds, clean curtains or any other window coverings

> Clean all doors and windows inside and out

> Disinfect all door and cabinet knobs, as well as counters and other hard surfaces

> Disinfect remote controls, dust & disinfect all of your other frequently electronics, keyboards, mouse, your phone (make sure to follow instructions – they can be sensitive to various cleaners)

> Change out any air vents and filters throughout the house

> Thoroughly vacuum all rugs and clean floors under them

> Wipe down all furniture, making sure not to miss corners of shelving units

> Clean out all your countertop appliances as well as your refrigerator, oven and microwave

> Swap out all bedding, flip your mattress, clean the mattress coverings

> Clean under the bed

> Disinfect your toothbrush holders, soap dishes, shower curtains

> Clean out your medicine cabinet/vanity

> Wash all your make-up brushes and throw out expired or seldom-used make-up (this post is helpful for that)


For even more peeks into our house (I swear it’s going to be done soon!) – CLICK HERE.


original photography for apartment 34 by Michelle Drewes

Now that the days are a little longer, the sun a little warmer and blossoms are starting to pop, I suddenly have the urge to fill our house with all things green. While I’m certainly no green thumb, I have managed to keep this fiddle leaf fig tree alive for three years running (to learn how, click here)! And though I still love the little guy, options for spring greenery that go beyond the fiddle leaf feel fresh these days – say that 10x fast!

spring greens on apartment34spring greenery on apartment34spring greens on apartment34spring greens on apartment34spring greens on apartment34spring greens on apartment34spring greens on apartment34spring greens on apartment34spring greens on apartment34spring greens on apartment34

Whether you can fit an entire tree in your living room, or can nurture a hearty monstera leaf, finding a unique plant will give any room new life. From bathrooms to bedside tables, bar carts to hallways, really any space can benefit from that punch of a pretty bit of greenery. For some of my favorite house plant options and more details on how to care for them click here and here.

Happy spring!

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As we prepare to shake off the winter doldrums, I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling very ready for a wardrobe refresh. After a season of nothing but puffy jackets and heavy boots (or in San Francisco’s case rain boots – there’s been so much rain our freaking crawl space flooded out killing our furnace – but that’s a different post), I want to put on things that are light, bright and most importantly easy to wear.

While I used to troll street style blogs for innovative outfit inspiration, I now look at street style and simply wonder what the heck they’re thinking! Fur lined slides, a kaleidoscope of colors and a mishmash of 80’s and 90’s trends?? Blech. I’m sorry, I dressed through those decades, I don’t need to do it again. I might be dating myself or have simply become boring, but this season I’m ready for timeless, classic silhouettes and quality wardrobe staples that I’ll wear for years to come. Minimalist style all the way baby.

minimalist style on apartment 34 minimalist style on apartment 34 minimalist style on apartment 34minimalist style on apartment 34minimalist style on apartment 34 minimalist style on apartment 34minimalist style on apartment 34 minimalist style on apartment 34

The formula for minimal style is fairly straight forward. Step one: pick a monochromatic color palette and stick with it. White is my favorite pretty much all year round, but then comes camel, black, gray and navy. Right now I’m actually into a light putty, even so far as going with a blush piece or two, for spring. And a good striped shirt is a nice change from the classic white button down, but can still function as a neutral.

Denim is my closet’s foundation, but I’m ready to say see ya to all the skin tight and overly-distressed jeans that have been the look du jour. Wide legs are having their day. Extra long and high waisted or cropped at the ankle, either way, they look stellar. And kick that stretchy denim to the curb. Raw denim, though a bit more finicky, is really denim at its best. You just need a good fit in the waist and butt (cuz they will stretch out) but that crisp straight leg is a good look on anyone.

Since becoming a mom I’ve (sadly) kicked virtually all of my heels to the curb. My shoe wardrobe now consists of the following; a good slip-on sneaker, a loafer, an ankle boot and a sandal. Done.

And even though they’re called basics, minimal pieces can be anything but. If you invest in high quality fabrics – think cashmere, Japanese linen, good chunky knits, supple leathers – the craftsmanship is going to stand out in the fast-fashion crowd. And the details don’t hve to be boring. I’m obsessed with the oversized cuff of Anna Quan’s shirts. Levi’s and Citizens of Humanity are doing some very cool vintage denim. High waists, good tailoring or dramatically oversized pieces keep your look feeling fresh.

So as spring gets in full swing, attack that closet. Set aside the 5-10 things you actually wear and then gather everything else in a giant pile. Do you see yourself wearing anything in that pile in the next six months? If not, out it goes. Consign the good stuff and donate the rest. Then you can fill in any gaps with the aforementioned minimal basics. Trust me, you’ll feel ten times lighter and ten times happier every time you get dressed.


images in order of appearance could i have that / blog and the city / we the people / fitgny / pinterst / pinterest / 9 to 5 chic / fitgny / sea 


After a long winter of record setting gray in San Francisco (and over a week of being stuck in bed sick), I’m so excited to see March arrive, to see the sun return and to see the days get perceptively longer (light past 6pm, what?!). Anyone else as ready for spring as I am? These beautiful pastel interiors embody the light, bright, optimistic energy of the new season.

spring colors   spring colorsspring colorsspring colors spring colors

I love the muted, slightly rustic air of this color palette. The icy blue shade is a lovely alternative to a classic gray. Its cool elegance has a serene depth that pairs well with neutrals and warm brass accents. The deep eggplant purple in a luxe velvet ground the rest of the airy tones. And the fresh greenery has me ready for a trip to the nursery. I love me some neutrals, but I just might have to slip a pastel or two into the house.

I hope you have a light, bright and beautiful weekend!

 images via tine k home

While I typically reserve Wednesday to talk about wine, there’s nothing wrong with indulging a day early – especially on Valentine’s Day! I must admit, the contrived Valentine’s romance isn’t really my jam, but an excuse to bring some of my girls together – that I can get into.


Since I haven’t seen a happy hour in I can’t remember how long, hosting a ladies lunch is a lot more mom-friendly. A few friends, a pretty table and some light bites are all you need to feed your need for girl-time.

Even though my table was Valentine-inspired, I didn’t want it to feel saccharin. With a dark gray tablecloth as a ground, all of the warm neutrals stand out. To make place settings a little more special, the secret is to layer. A charger, dinner and salad plate all stacked together create texture. I wrapped a set of printed napkins (designed by Erica Tanov – a major design crush), with a bit of rose-colored suede. Brass flatware and a little gold dish on each place add a hint of glam without getting overly girly. A floral centerpiece with creamy ranunculus, anemones, sweatpeas and jasmine soften the entire scene.


But it wouldn’t be a proper party without a little wine! While rosé is my summer staple, there’s no reason you can’t enjoy it even when there’s snow on the ground. Elouan Rosé is the perfect light, bright and delicious addition to some quality time with your girls. Elouan’s name literally means “good light.” Fitting, no?

I really quite like this wine. Created with Oregon-grown pinot noir, it has real depth of flavor and some good body. So many rosés are rather insipid. This one is lovely whether you’re enjoying a glass all on its own, or pairing it with food. It’s the perfect all-year-round wine. It also always settles the divide between those who want to drink white and those who want to drink red. Rosé always satisfies.


I also like giving my guests a little favor to take home – in this case pieces of tangerine quartz. It has properties of strength and tenacity, but is also calming and centering. Exactly what all moms need, especially in these trying times!


Since I’m often stuffing leftovers from a child’s tray into my mouth and calling it lunch, this is a refreshing respite from day-to-day mom life. Hopefully we don’t have to invent another holiday before doing this again.

For more table top and entertaining ideas CLICK HERE

Fore more Wine Wednesday posts, CLICK HERE


dishware via mrs.peasy / florals by lambert floral studio

photography for apartment 34 by delbarr moradi

This post is in partnership with Elouan wine. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. Thanks for supporting collaborations we’re excited about and that have kept apt34’s doors open.

Imagine having a successful corporate career and walking away from it all to become an artist. It’s something many of us dream about, but few actually ever take that leap. But artist Windy Chien was able to muster the strength to do exactly that. Discovering talents like Windy is probably my favorite thing about Apt34. Women like Windy – with vision, passion, creativity and drive constantly leave me in awe. I recently had the pleasure of touring Windy’s San Francisco studio where she is twisting the art world into knots – quiet literally.


Windy is making art out of knots and it is absolutely stunning. It all started in January of this year, when The Year of Knots was born. Windy is teaching herself and creating one unique knot each day and assembling  them all into a gorgeous installation in her studio. They are sometimes based off traditional knots, sometimes explorations. Windy starts every day in the studio with a knot, noting that it helps her achieve her creative flow for the day. It’s become an important ritual in her daily life. And the result is just so cool. Some of her knots incorporate a piece of brass hardware, some lay flat, some are multi-dimensional. She has created a handful in a beautiful black cord – a truly modern take on an ancient skill. Color me obsessed.


But what’s even more remarkable is that rope as a medium wasn’t Windy’s initial goal. As she explained during my visit, she simply wanted to flex her creative muscle, actually exploring multiple art forms before discovering knots. Upon her departure from corporate American, Windy tried out all kinds of creative avenues; pottery, painting, wood carving (her hand carved spoons have also garnered a cult following. Whenever one goes up for sale, it’s gone immediately.) But then Windy discovered knots – yes with rope – like what is often used on a boat – and she was hooked. Upon researching the history behind knot-making, Windy began to see knots as their own form of language. Each knot conveys a purpose, a meaning and tells a story. I totally love that. It’s as if her studio wall is an entire novel with hidden secrets about human history. The knots also just look really really amazing.

But the Year of Knots isn’t Windy’s only project. She is also creating gorgeous knotted lighting and wall-hangings. Each one is unique – many are bespoke commissions created specifically for their recipient. While the wall hangings are certainly reminiscent of 70’s macramé we’re seeing everywhere these days, I love how modern, clean and updated Windy’s pieces feel.


Most recently, Windy has taken her work to even greater heights by doing large scale installations in hotels, office buildings and public spaces. I for one would love to be able to walk beneath a Windy Chien piece every day. For now, I will continue to follow her on Instagram and drop into her Mission-based studio for a little creative pick-me-up. If you’ve been looking for an example to inspire you to chase that seemingly crazy dream – Windy is your woman. She’s proof positive that if you put all your energy into doing what you love, you just might be surprised by what falls into place.

Thank you Windy for letting me spend a truly inspiring morning with you!

If you’re looking for even more inspirational women doing super cool stuff check out this post, this post and this post.

And if you like these kinds of posts please let me know in the comments below. If you’re down, I’d really love to get out there to bring you more stories like this one.

original photography by michelle drewes


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