As I attempt to call my house done, one key detail has continued to elude. Art! It can feel really challenging to find something you love. There are plenty an art site that offer good place holders, but I’m attempting to move beyond the cheap print everyone already has phase. Enter Instagram. I recently fell down the artist-on-Instagram rabbit hole and WOW. There are so many talented people out there just killing it! I seriously want to buy multiple pieces from all the artists listed below. Their work is beautiful, so if you have some bare walls in your life, definitely look to these folks to serve up some major inspiration.

6 Artists I Found on Instagram

First up is The Poster Club. This isn’t specifically one artist, but it’s a Copenhagen-based online store offering a unique curated selection of high-quality posters and art prints from both upcoming and established artists. I am obsessed with their website and pretty much every piece of art. These are prints rather than originals, but price point is so affordable, there’s really no excuse for not having cool piece in your life. They also ship worldwide, so I’m not sure what we’re all waiting for?

6 Artists I Found on Instagram

I’m convinced Bobby Clark is my long lost Scottish soul sister or something. I would do a gallery wall of her work in every room of my house if it wouldn’t be considered weird. You know all the cool sculptural knock off art you’re seeing in department stores? They’re copying Bobby’s work. She’s the legit OG. And the price to snag a print is honestly not bad at all!

6 Artists I Found on Instagram

When I think of soft colors in a Scandinavian inspired space, Saar Manche’s art immediately comes to mind. I mean, one look at her Instagram feed and I instantly feel calmer. Her work is muted with soft edges and one of her faceless portraits would fit perfectly in my home.

6 Artists I Found on Instagram

Next, we have the works of Amelie Hegardt. She is regarded as a fashion illustrator, but as you can see from her Instagram, her work goes far beyond that. The silhouettes and lines of her pieces fascinate me and I’d love love love to snag an original.

6 Artists I Found on Instagram

It shouldn’t surprise you that another Denmark-based artist made this list. His name is Carsten Nielsen of Bycdesign studio. You can actually buy his work through The Poster Club, but I highly recommend following him on Instagram for daily looks at his pieces. It says on his site he’s inspired by geometry and shapes and combines them with his affinity for color and form. All I know is whatever he’s doing, it is absolutely working.

6 Artists I Found on Instagram

If you’re looking for something a bit more abstract with colorful flair, look no further than Maureen Meyer. With a previous career as a graphic designer, Maureen’s work is mixed media, so she incorporates a lot of paper and excess print materials into her pieces. It’s very multidimensional, which in my opinion is a very welcome breath of fresh air.

You can buy from these artists or not, but there’s no doubt they will, at the very least, spice up your Insta feed. That I can promise!

For more of my favorite Instagram finds, CLICK HERE.

must-click links of the week on Apartment 34

Has this week felt exceptionally long for anyone else?? Well, at least I have a quiet Friday to get a few things done before unplugging for the weekend. As we sneak closer and closer to August I start feeling summer rushing by too quickly, so I want to make a point to slow down and savor it all. But I’ve been popping around the interwebs this week to make sure you have a few fun things to savor as well.

This home tour on Glitter Guide is California bohemian overload, in a good way.

Alicia put together a great list of chill summer tunes

I’m totally digging this cute summer top.

Liz is making me want to go camping. Yes, me!

Then Sam has me craving a day at the beach.

And while I’m trying to put my wanderlust on hold, Cassandra’s guide to Stockholm isn’t helping me!

This is hot. And makes me want to go somewhere hot.

The mamas are back this week talking adult time vs family time. While I wasn’t able to write about this one, be sure to check out everyone’s posts! You can start right here.

Oh and the Nordstrom Sale is in full effect today. I’m tracking all my must-buys right here.

And if you’re in San Francisco this weekend,

On Monday, Tartine Manufactory (my love) is hosting a dinner featuring an all-female cast of chefs, purveyors, 20+ female wine & beer makers, bakers and the like. Proceeds from the night’s feast are going to Planned Parenthood. And I’m swooning. If you beg, you might still be able to get a table (I’m begging).

Modern Citizen just opened a lovely new shop on Union Street – I might have to do a little shopping for my upcoming trip to NYC! More on my Insta-story about that right now btw

Flower Piano continues at the Botanical Garden in Golden Gate Park this weekend. It’s seriously just the coolest thing. I cannot wait to go back tomorrow.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!



what to read this week on apartment 34

Friends, can we have a chat? A little heart to heart? You see, lately I’ve been reflecting a lot about this space and the entire blogging/social media world in general. A two-week road trip will do that to ya. And I find myself perturbed. The world of blogging has changed so much in the nearly 10 years I’ve been at this gig. When this little ole site started it was never intended to be about me. I was 27. What the hell did I know about anything?! It was intended to share discoveries, crowdsource ideas and miraculously turned into quite a vibrant community.

But today the blog world feels solely focused on “the me.” Look at me, I’m the most clever on Instagram stories. Look at me – I travel to the most enviable destinations. Look at me – I build the most fabulous wardrobes, design the most amazing homes, throw the most epic parties. I’m exhausted by it. Are you exhausted? Truth be told, I’m not comfortable with that vibe. Never have been. Sure, I’ve gained a little knowledge over the years and I certainly have many an opinion (do you follow me on Twitter?!) – but there is much more out there than my little slice of the world. And I want to get back to what I loved about blogging in the beginning – curating all of the goodness into a nice, neat little package for you.

That’s why this crazy journey called to me in the first place. Discovery. Creativity. Beauty. All at the click of a mouse and with the unique ability to broadcast it to whoever might be listening. So I’m working on a lot of different ways to weave this perspective back into Apartment 34, but one small gesture is to resurrect my Friday Links (which have had many iterations in the past – like this and this and this).

My list today is nothing fancy – just a list of links – cuz who has the time for crazy fancy graphics anymore. I just want to share bloggers who are kicking ass. Articles that made me think. Pictures that grabbed my attention. Instagrammers whose feeds give me life. It’s because of everything else out there that I’ve stuck around this long. And sharing the love just makes everyone feel better.

With that, here is my Follow Friday roundup for this week!


My bestie is the queen of tabletop design. All hail.

Camille took a dream trip to Italy and created an entire site about it. I’m freakishly jealous and learning to live with the envy.

Apparently, I’m not the only one to share today’s post’s sentiment. Jacquelyn’s list of must-read blogs is quite similar to my own.

One of my favorite writers (and occasional Apt34 contributor) wrote a lovely travel guide to Amsterdam, one of my all-time favorite cities.

Modern gorgeousness on MyDomaine.

I constantly pretend that I’m going to find more time in my world to read. Like a whole book. I keep saying it out loud. I even tried to start a book club once and I was the one who never finished the book. But despite all of that – I’m bookmarking Jen’s summer reading list.

I had an amazing experience in Napa last month and California Weekend captured it masterfully.

Serious backyard goals on Almost Makes Perfect.

If you love color (which you probably don’t because you read this blog, but just in case…) this pool party by Studio DIY is epic. Epic I tell you!

There’s a new generation in town and it makes SO much sense.

I’m going to New York in a few weeks and want to look endlessly stylish. These pants are either a really good or a really terrible idea.

And now for those Instagrammers

Meg Cassidy because goals

Kimberley Hasselbrink cuz I’m always hungry

Ann Street Studio cuz she’s taking Instagram art next level


Happy weekend friends!


image via here


I am currently laying in bed covered in snot and drool, still wearing my pjs with a sick 10 month sprawled across my chest. While I desperately try to blow my own nose without waking him up. Why am I painting this lovely picture for you praytell? Well, I feel about as far from the lust-worthy Apartment 34 world as I can possibly get right now. Being a mother is the most challenging and rewarding job around and everyone one says no matter how hard it gets, you wouldn’t trade it for anything. Well, every once in a while you might consider trading it…


Thankfully, I have the world of Instagram mamas to buoy my spirits. You might know some of these women. Their houses are endlessly chic, their children endearingly quaffed and their captions whip smart. (Truly appreciated when you’ve been communicating in nothing but babble, grunts and wails for hours on end.) I love following mom Instagram accounts for their real-life perspectives and advice mixed with preciously captured moments in what sometimes feels like a dream world.

If you need some personality-filled, super stylish families to aspire to be fall in love with, here are some that most definitely will win over your hearts instantly. Pardon my pun, I’m very sleep deprived.

apt34 instagrammers delight mamas

Gray Benko’s kiddos are always on the move and on the move they should be! Their energy is truly contagious, beautifully innocent and most of all, fun for us followers. Their beautiful surroundings (hello, dream home!) inspire them to be as creative and imaginative and remind us how important it is to grow in a nurturing environment. We love following what these two will get into next. Our go-to guess? Makeup.

apt34 instagram mamas3

Mama Wolf is the sweetest story of two newly introduced siblings and Miss Hazel Frances and her adorable big brother Wyatt. Their sweet interactions and their mama’s darling portraits (always with perfect light – how is that possible?!} almost makes me consider having another some day. Almost.

apt34 instagram mamas2

If you want gratuitous baby cuteness, follow Ms Cindy Chen. Her little has got impeccable taste in toys and quite possibly the cutest little face I’ve ever seen. It’s impossible not to smile!

There are so many other accounts I love. Fox Meets Bear is pour-over coffee-with-kids heaven. Ruffled Snob has the cool looking digs. Bevcooks mixes recipes and kiddos seamlessly. Svetlana Dmitruks is just too cute for words as are her kiddos. Mama Watters gives me baby and home envy. I’m just too dang sick to keep making those graphics.

Follow any rockstar ladies-with-babies who deserve a special shout-out? Please share their handles here. I’d love to follow them and their adorable littles! For more of our Instagrammers Delight series CLICK HERE.

image 1 via french by design

We’ve been spending waaaaay too many hours on Instagram {again} and have stumbled upon three accounts that you have to follow. What makes these accounts special – besides the obviously awesome photos – are that they’re all curated by badass shop owners who not only have an amazing eye for style and design, but also run a successful business, some even doing it with little ones running around! We know life isn’t always as pretty as Instagram filters make us believe, but these women are doing a fine job at a.) juggling rockstar lives and b.) making us obsessed with everything they touch!


First off, hide your wallets. Or don’t. Mür is a carefully curated home goods store run by Danielle and her hubby, Joel. Selling timeless pieces for the kitchen like ceramic pitchers, copper mugs and linen aprons, you might, like us, just die over every product shot. Beyond that, we love that these pretty pieces appear to fit seamlessly in a lifestyle of busy, business and babies – something that this pair definitely seems to have a hold on!


Parc is a fun, growing {their new second location just opened!} boutique in bustling Minneapolis filled with ‘all the goodies’ – from gorgeous garments for the minimalism lover to hand-made jewelry, ceramics and everything beautiful in between. Thao is always giving us first looks at what’s just arrived through the shop’s doors. Paired with her gorgeous styling we could literally take “one of each, please!”


Juley is a blogger here, co-founder of Montrose in Texas and quite possibly the most adorable gal, ever. Hailing out of NOLA, this business babe is always sharing her favorite hangouts in New Orleans – the city is on our must-visit list now! – as well as her stylish #ootd which’ll  certainly make you rethink how to look chic in the heat. With a refreshing feed {how many times do we have to see the same frequented LA haunt?} and equally unique flair, you’ll def want to follow her!

Any other inspirational business babes you love to follow? We wanna know!

You can check out our archive of enviable Instagrammers right HERE.

Instagram is a vast, vast social black hole – full of endless inspiration, but also ripe for total overload. I mean, our parents who love to travel are on there, our next door neighbor who is dabbling in photography is on there, our not-so-design-savvy dentist is on there. Everyone is looking for something inspiring to get them through their day. So you want to make sure your account is as curated as possible! Thousands of follows does not a happy Instagram feed make.

So no matter if you love to cook, love to be in nature or adore a lighthearted sense of humor, this month we’ve gathered the accounts that must make your cut. We guarantee there is an Instagram account here for everyone to enjoy!


Carb lovers, beware. You’ll love them more after following this account! No one quite captures the beauty of food like Trisha and like us, the girl loves her bread. We’re constantly craving what’s on her plate and you’ll now doubt start a list of great food haunts…in Malaysia that is! International food lovers and travelers this account is for you!


Josh is a shadow chasing kinda guy and we love the fresh perspective on playing with light. From harsher rays to softer leaks of light, it seems he’s always reinventing how to look at things. One quick scroll through his feed and you’ll certainly be inspired to do the same! Every once in a while he’ll hit you with the unexpected like a sunny yellow backdrop or a chunky pup and you can’t help but smile!


This account will make you want to jump away from your desk and run away to a cabin nestled on the coast. The blue and green hues Imogen captures in her surroundings almost seem other-worldy. Dream life, for sure. The calmness and serenity of her shots will remind you to enjoy the slower things in life – take the road less traveled and pick a few flowers while you’re on it!

The biggest thing all of these ‘Grammers have in common? A unique perspective that immediately draws you in and leaves you wanting more. That’s really the Instagram holy grail isn’t it?

What accounts have you coming back for more {and more and more} these days? We’d love to know!

Are you losing precious sleep because you’re scrolling through your Instagram feed? Yea, us too. It’s a bad habit that we just don’t want to quit. We’re so inspired by all of the beauty that is right at our fingertips that we just keep scrolling, following and dreaming. From lists of places we want to visit, to decor ideas and mouth watering food shots, we can’t wait for breakfast the next morning! Not that we need to pour more fuel on the fire, but there’s always room for another good Instagrammer or two!. We’re certain everything in these three feeds will keep you up all night long!


Joanne Pio is a photographer based out of LA and this girl knows all of the hotspots -not just in LA, but everywhere she goes! NYC, Portland, Seattle, you name it, Joanne knows only the prettiest, most instagrammable places to visit. She makes us a.) want to jet-set across the country and back again and b.) do all that travel with Joanne by our side. Luckily, following her Instagram account kinda lets us do that. So if you like good eats, clean design and traveling, get to screen shotting and taking notes!


It’s no wonder why Kristen Cesiro’s Instagram account is gorgeous. She’s only the Lead Web and Graphic Designer of Homepolish, the genius interior design firm that broke on the scene offering great design at even greater prices.One photo after another, you’re drawn right into Kristen’s world. Dusty pinks and soft white tones run through each of her snaps and we just die over her vision. They’re so pretty they make us wish we saw the world through her eyes. Well, we get to…through her lovely insta!


Dana Miller, blogger at House Tweaking and mama to three, makes normal life look completely dreamy. She’s deemed her house The Underdog, taking the challenge on of making this once dilapidated house into her dream home. We’d say she’s doing a pretty darn good job too! We love all of the decor updates she shares and seeing pictures of her kids in the space – playing, with real toys! Dana reminds us that Instagram isn’t always about aspirational photos, brunches every weekend and curated top-downs. Love, family and happiness oozes out of this account– follow it!

Who are some of your favorite Instagrammers? We’re always looking to follow someone new to love! Please share your latest faves in comments!!

PS: You can follow our founder, Erin, here and our Editorial Director, Bianca, here.

Yes, it’s easy to overrun your Instagram feed, but when you whittle down who you follow to the truly inspirational your feed is like your own refuge. These Instagram accounts are run by three ladies who not only have impeccable taste, but also have an eye and style so distinct their Instagrams are a mini-universe unto themselves. We couldn’t be more obsessed with their carefully curated squares – all displaying something utterly unique: from squishy {perfectly styled!} babies to stellar buildings, ingenious color palettes and interesting corners. We promise, you will become just as inspired as we are after clicking that Follow button!


Muted tones are Kelli Murray’s sweet spot. From her spunky toddler to newborn bebe, you will quickly fall in love with every photo of her family. But not only does she give you baby fever, she also has a personal style that is bohemian and edgy – equal parts refreshing and innovative. The lack of bright colors in her perfectly filtered photos doesn’t mean this account is anything short of luminous. In fact Kelli’s ability to make life beautiful, sans saturation, just proves no one does neutral territory better!


In contrast, if there isn’t a girl afraid of a little {or a lot!} of color, it’s Monling Lee. Never dressed in less than four different shades, Monling can be found pulling together a color-blocked outfit like it’s nobody’s business. Let’s face it, making sherbet orange look elegant ain’t easy, but this hue-obsessed D.C. fashionista does it with ease. Inspired by building paint jobs and crazy color combos, we can’t tell which came first, the outfit or the building. Either way, we’re obsessed.


Rustic and charming. Sexy and street. Aiala Hernando knows how to capture every corner of the world – from styled props to a perfectly poured cup of jo in New York, everything this talented photographer captures is the definition of life’s perfect vignettes. There’s something for everyone to love here. Whether you enjoy travel, food, interiors or shadows, all with inspiring quotes and motivational thoughts attached to them, Aiala’s photos should be enjoyed by all!

What are you waiting for? Follow these incredible ladies now! Anyone you think we should add to our must-follow list??

Since we’re already talking about Instagram today, we figured why not keep the party goin’?! We aren’t even going to try to deny that we aren’t a little bit {or completely!} obsessed with checking our IG feeds. All. Day. Long. Really, there’s probably nothing we do more frequently {you too?! Phew!}. That’s why we figured you can always use someone new to follow, so here are three of our favorite accounts to further fuel your addiction!


As much as we love San Francisco, Nana makes us want to jump onto the first flight to Copenhagen. The city seems to be filled with the most drool-worthy moments and Nana manages to make them look even more beautiful than they are- if that’s possible. Not only that, Nana fills our feed with delicate ceramic still lifes, tranquil table scenes, and GORGEOUS floral arrangements. Nana’s photography is quiet and enchanting- making it impossible to scroll past!

Trotter Magazine’s founder, Eva Tsang, has a talent of making any person walking out of an all-you-can-eat buffet hungry again. Documenting her travels around the world, Tsang never forgets to stop and enjoy the things around her {with a cup of coffee in her hand, of course!}. If you’re planning a foodie-based vacation anytime soon, Eva is a necessary follow!

Have you heard of  the #makemoreportraits movement? We are still trying to figure out how to break into the intimidating hashtag task, but Yuvali Theis has mastered it. Edited in a Polaroid-like effect, the photographer from London grabs our attention with every portrait. With a very minimal approach, gorgeous shadow play and intriguing angles, Theis’ instagram account looks like it came straight out of one of our favorite magazine editorials!

We know we aren’t the only ones that have an Insta-obsession. Remember, we’re in this together! Who are some people you love to follow? Please let us know – we need to feed our feeds! — Victor

for even more delightful instagrammers, CLICK HERE

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